Some products offered on this site may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. For more information, please visit

What is Proposition 65?

Proposition 65 requires businesses to provide warnings to Californians about significant exposures to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. These chemicals may be present in products sold in California, in homes or workplaces, or released into the environment. By providing this information, Proposition 65 enables Californians to make informed decisions about their exposure to these chemicals.

The law also prohibits California businesses from knowingly discharging significant amounts of these chemicals into sources of drinking water. Proposition 65 became law in November 1986 when California voters approved it by a 63-37 percent margin. Its official name is the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986.

For additional information, please visit the Proposition 65 Warnings Website.

What Types of Chemicals are on the Proposition 65 List?

The list includes a wide range of naturally occurring and synthetic chemicals, which can be found as additives or ingredients in pesticides, household products, food, drugs, dyes, and solvents. These chemicals may also be used in manufacturing and construction or be byproducts of chemical processes, such as motor vehicle exhaust. Since its first publication in 1987, the list has grown to approximately 900 chemicals and continues to expand.

You can download the complete list of Prop 65 chemicals here.

How Can I Protect Myself?

The good news is that Proposition 65 has prompted many manufacturers to change their production processes to make products safer for consumers. However, many everyday items still contain these listed chemicals, which cannot be easily altered. It's essential for consumers to be aware of the potential dangers and take precautions when using these products to reduce or eliminate exposure. The best way to protect yourself depends on the specific product or place and the chemical you are trying to avoid.

What Products Does Starfire Direct Carry That Contain Chemicals?

We have compiled fact sheets from the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) relevant to the specific products we carry. These fact sheets provide detailed information on the chemicals, their associated risks, and how you can protect yourself.

Furniture Products

  • Lead (commonly found in brass fittings)
  • Carbon Monoxide (produced by burning fuel)
  • Bisphenol A (BPA - used in linings, plastics, polyvinyl, and thermal paper)
  • Wood Dust

Other Fact Sheets

You can download these fact sheets for more information.

Where Can I Get More Information on Proposition 65?

For specific questions about the administration or implementation of Proposition 65, you can contact OEHHA’s Proposition 65 program:

For enforcement information, contact the California Attorney General’s Office:

If you have questions regarding products on this website that contain the Prop 65 warning, please contact our legal team at:

Crowell & Moring LLP
515 South Flower Street, 40th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90071
(213) 622-4750

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